
Why use one contact database when you can use them all?

Stop relying on one tool to find emails and phone numbers. With waterfall enrichment, you can access 50+ databases to maximize your coverage of contact information. No contracts needed: just choose the tools you want and pay for what you find.
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50+ data providers included
Pay with Clay credits: no API keys needed!

How does waterfall enrichment work?

Are you looking for emails, phone numbers, or other data on a prospect? Waterfall enrichment helps you search sequentially across multiple providers until you find a match. Maximize your coverage at a minimum cost: only pay for the emails you find. Choose the tools you want, and swap at any time.
Read more in our blog

Find work emails

Start with just a LinkedIn Profile or a name + company domain. Get the highest coverage on your work email search by checking Prospeo, DropContact, Datagma, Hunter, PeopleDataLabs, Nimbler, Apollo, Lusha, Snov, & more.
Waterfall for free

Find personal emails

Start with just a LinkedIn Profile. Use Clay Waterfall to search for personal emails across multiple providers including Nimbler, Retention.com, Mixrank, & more.
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Find phone numbers

Find phone numbers by searching across multiple providers to get the highest coverage possible. Clay's waterfall includes People Data Labs, ContactOut, Selligence & more.
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Waterfall enrichment for any data point

Try 20+ waterfalls for free
Before using Clay waterfalls, I spent thousands of $ on contracts with multiple data providers to find emails and phone numbers. No provider worked quite right. Clay waterfalls are the single best and cheapest way to find emails & phone numbers. It's a game changer!
Jacob Tuwiner, founder of Sculpted

Get started today and maximize your data coverage

Free 14-day Pro trial. No credit card required.
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